2022 Datum Awards Recipients

We are proud to announce the recipients of the Data Coalition Initiative’s 2022 Datum Awards.

This year's recipients are awarded a Datum Award for their role as innovators, leaders, and champions in the use of data in evidence-based decision-making, transparency, and accountability, to better our government and society.

Nominees are individuals who are champions for the use of data in evidence-based decision-making, transparency, and accountability. Each of the nominated champions support and demonstrate a commitment to enabling a more efficient and effective government, while using data to make the government more innovative for improving outcomes that improve the lives of the American people, strengthen the economy, or make the country a better place.

2022 Recipients

Political Leadership Award

Senator Brian Schatz

U.S. Senate

With cybercrime continuing to harm vulnerable Americans, U.S. Senator Brian Schatz authored and ushered the Better Cybercrime Metrics Act of 2022 to passage. The bipartisan bill will give law enforcement a clearer picture of online crimes by improving data collection and requiring the FBI to integrate cybercrime incidents into its current reporting streams. Through Senator Schatz’s leadership, law enforcement and policymakers will have wider access to the data and tools they need to keep Americans safe.

Federal Chief Data Officer Award

Samuel C. “Chris” Haffer, Ph.D.

Chief Data Officer, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Samuel C. “Chris” Haffer, Ph.D. became the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s first Chief Data Officer in 2017 and immediately set to work modernizing the agency’s data practices. Among the many projects Dr. Haffer has led in the past year, the EEOC has launched EEOC Explore, an accessible data query and mapping tool, run nationwide surveys of employers and workers during the pandemic, and created the District Demographic Dashboard to help identify and better serve vulnerable workers.

Data Innovation Award

Mike Willis

Associate Director, Division of Economic and Risk Analysis, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Mike Willis is a longtime advocate for evidence-based decision-making, transparency, and accountability in the financial sector. As a leader in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Economic and Risk Analysis, Mr. Willis is leading efforts to require machine-readable financial disclosures, and oversaw the addition of downloadable, freely available data sets about securities holdings of large institutional investors to the SEC’s website.

Customer Experience Award

Barbara Morton

Deputy Chief Veterans Experience Officer, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Barbara Morton has overseen drastic changes in how U.S. veterans are served in her time with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. She has built durable customer experience (CX) capabilities and capacities through her work. Thanks to her exemplary achievements, she is now responsible for sharing best practices in CX across federal agencies. Ms. Morton contributes to the Customer Experience Cookbook, which serves as a practitioner’s guide to building and sustaining customer experience capabilities in government.

Evaluation Officer Award

Dr. Matthew Soldner

Chief Evaluation Officer, U.S. Department Education

As Chief Evaluation Officer of the U.S. Department of Education, applies extensive knowledge of mixed methods research to education evaluation, conducting rigorous tests to help states and local governments improve student outcomes. Dr. Soldner and his team have contributed important research on data sharing and the impacts of federally funded learning programs, and supported the What Works Clearinghouse, a resource for educators, evaluators, and researchers everywhere.

Statistical Official Award

Shelly Wilkie Martinez

Senior Statistician, White House Office of Management and Budget

Before becoming Senior Statistician at the White House Office of Management and Budget, Shelly Wilkie Martinez served as Executive Director of the U.S. Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking, supported the Federal Advisory Committee on Data for Evidence Building, and much more. With a deep knowledge of the federal data ecosystem, Ms. Martinez has worked tirelessly in her role with OMB to fulfill the vision of the Evidence Commission and support compliance with the Evidence Act.

View past Datum Awards recipients here.

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